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All Therapy Resources

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We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.




We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
SPANISH VERSION Bucket Fillers vs Bucket Dippers Workbook Kindness Anti-Bullying

SPANISH VERSION Bucket Fillers vs Bucket Dippers Workbook Kindness Anti-Bullying

This is a great quick and easy workbook to help support students to develop a kindness and anti-bullying mindset. There are so many activities and worksheets to encourage students to reflect on behaviours, feelings and thoughts associated with Bucket Fillers & Bucket Dippers. Activities include coloring pages, poster, worksheets, find a words, creative activities and much more! This resource encourages students to shift from a negative and disempowering mindset to a positive and empowering mindset by exploring how to fill not only their own buckets, but the buckets of others! Students will have fun talking about helpful and kind behaviours, as well as exploring the impact of unhelpful and unkind behaviours and actions. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Anti-Bullying & Kindness Activity-a-day Calendar

SPANISH VERSION - Anti-Bullying & Kindness Activity-a-day Calendar

This Activity-A-Day Calendar is for a one week period which is great for Anti-Bullying Week! Every day includes small ways to encourage the students to practice kindness and compassion and develop an anti-bullying mindset! How does it work? Simply print out the calendar! Provide to your students. Follow and implement each days ideas! It literally is as simple as that! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Anti-Bullying Lesson - Buddy or Bully

SPANISH VERSION - Anti-Bullying Lesson - Buddy or Bully

This is a 5 page (excluding title page) Bullying Lesson which includes activities and worksheets for a concise yet covering the fundamentals of bullying for young students. This lesson includes: Self-Reflection Questionnaire Anti-Bullying Pledge Activity Find-a Word Bully or Buddy Qualities and Characteristics ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - HELPFUL vs UNHELPFUL Coping Skills - Counseling Mini Lesson

SPANISH VERSION - HELPFUL vs UNHELPFUL Coping Skills - Counseling Mini Lesson

Coping strategies and skills are behavioural reactions that an individual utilizes to cope, deal and adapt with difficult situations. Coping strategies come in many forms – some might be helpful, and some are unhelpful. This resource includes 42 cards which include a variety of helpful and unhelpful coping skills which are included on individual cards. These can be discussed and used to explore and differentiate between what are healthy and helpful coping strategies verses unhelpful and unhealthy coping strategies. These Coping Strategies (both helpful and unhelpful) include a variety of strategies which fall under the categories of diversions, social/interpersonal, cognitive, physical, spiritual and limit setting coping strategies. This is a great resource for students with anxiety-based presentations and difficulties. This resource includes the following: 2 pages with box clipart differentiating between “helpful” and “unhelpful” coping strategies Blank cards for additional options of writing your own helpful and unhelpful cards. Over 21 prewritten cards with ideas of what is “in their control” and what “is not in their control” ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Managing My Anger - Mini Lesson - Anger Management

SPANISH VERSION - Managing My Anger - Mini Lesson - Anger Management

This Mini-Lesson utilizes a reflective framework to explore anger. Throughout this mini-lesson students will be requested to reflect on the following topics: What is anger? Difference between anger and aggression Consequences of behaviour Anger Awareness – Exploring Triggers Presentation of Anger including clues and warning signs Thoughts, feelings, - behaviours and physical presentations Costs and Benefits of Anger This is a great resource for students who need to explore and address their anger! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Color Me In Creative Resource-  Values, Personality, Beliefs

SPANISH VERSION - Color Me In Creative Resource- Values, Personality, Beliefs

Este es un gran recurso creativo y terapeútico para ayudar a los individuos a explorar sus ideas centrales, auto confianza y creencias de una forma no amenazante e informada en trauma. Lee cada oración de cada tarjeta y colorea en el pescado para mostrar coo te sientes. Si estás completamente de acuerdo con la oración, colorean todo el pescado. Si sólo estás de acuerdo un poco, colorea solo un poco del pescado. Si no estás de acuerdo para nada, no colorees nada del pescado. ENGLISH - This is a great creative and therapeutic resource to help individuals explore core values, self confidence and beliefs in a non-threatening and trauma-informed way. This resource can support the teacher or therapist to: engage and assess the student facilitate communication establish a therapeutic rapport develop individual goals Students are encouraged to read each statement on each card (total of 18) and colour in the fish to represent how they feel. For example, if they totally agree with the statement, they would colour in the whole fish. If they agree just a little bit, they can colour in just a little bit of the fish. This is a great exercise to support students to gain insight and help teachers and therapists explore what core beliefs and values the student has. Laminate these cards and use whiteboard markers and you will have this resource for years to come! Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Self-Esteem and Self-Talk Handout and Activities Growth Mindset

SPANISH VERSION Self-Esteem and Self-Talk Handout and Activities Growth Mindset

This resource includes a tip sheet about Self-Esteem and Self-Talk as well as including “Feel Good” Messages and examples of qualities and attributes. There are two extension activities included: Activity 1 - Students are encouraged to create their own self-esteem and self-talk affirmations Activity 2 - Students are encouraged to turn negative self-talk examples into positive self- talk examples. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION  -  Strategies and Recommendations for Fostering Self-Esteem

SPANISH VERSION - Strategies and Recommendations for Fostering Self-Esteem

This seven page handout which includes strategies to foster a childs sense of self-worth and self-esteem. This is a great resource for children with autism and/or individuals with intellectual disability. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - In Your Shoes - Empathy Mini Lesson -  Learning Printable

SPANISH VERSION - In Your Shoes - Empathy Mini Lesson - Learning Printable

EN TUS ZAPATOS - Mini Lección - Esta minilección explora la empatía. La empatía es la conciencia de los sentimientos y emociones de otras personas y es un elemento clave de la inteligencia emocional. Comprender cómo se sienten los demás y ser capaz de sentir empatía por ellos es vital para desarrollar y cultivar amigos. Aunque ser empático puede ser una habilidad intuitiva, es una habilidad que se puede desarrollar. Esta mini lección ayuda a los estudiantes a sintonizarse con las señales físicas y emocionales de los demás, a explorar la sensibilidad y comprensión de otras perspectivas, y a ser capaces de mostrar compasión y empatía por otra persona, como si usted fuera esa persona o estuviera en su lugar. ¡Este es un gran recurso para los estudiantes que deseen explorar la empatía! This Mini-Lesson explores empathy. Empathy is an awareness of other people’s feelings and emotions and is a key element of emotional intelligence. Understanding how others are feeling and being able to empathise with them is vital for developing and cultivating friends. Although being empathetic can be an intuitive skill, it is a skill that can be developed. This mini-lesson supports students to tune into the physical and emotional cues of others, to explore sensitivity and understanding of other perspectives, and be able to show compassion, empathy for someone else, as if you were that person or standing in their shoes. This is a great resource for students who would like to explore empathy! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Spanish Version - Calming Strategies - Three Piece Puzzles - 14  Regulation

Spanish Version - Calming Strategies - Three Piece Puzzles - 14 Regulation

Este recurso contiene 14 rompecabezas de tres piezas divertidos, coloridos y atractivos que exploran ESTRATEGIAS CALMANTES - Hay un total de 14 cartas en color y 14 cartas en blanco y negro. Este es un gran recurso para los que aprenden temprano, que incluye Pre-K, Kindergarten (Prep) y educación especial. Estrategias calmantes incluye las siguientes : Rebotar en una pelota Contando hasta 10 Dibujando una imagen Beber una bebida fría Escribir tus pensamientos Tener un momento de tranquilidad Escuchando música Abrazar un peluche favorito Usando tus manos con playdoh Leer un libro en silencio Apretar una pelota antiestrés Haciendo algunos estiramientos Haciendo algo de yoga Salir a caminar This resource contains 14 fun, colorful and engaging three piece puzzles which explores calming strategies for emotional regulation. There are a total of 14 cards in colour and 14 cards in black and white. Calming strategies include the following: Bouncing on a Ball Counting to 10 Drawing a picture Drinking a Cold Drink Writing down your thoughts Having some quiet time Listening to music Hugging a favourite soft toy Using your hands with playdoh Reading a book quietly Squeezing a stress ball Doing some stretches Doing some yoga Going for a walk Just cut out and laminate for an easy, low prep center or work task. This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Understanding my Feelings and Emotions Mini-Lessons

SPANISH VERSION - Understanding my Feelings and Emotions Mini-Lessons

Entendiendo Mis - Sentimientos & Emociones Mini-Leciones Este libro de trabajo está diseñado específicamente para que los pequeños aprendices ayuden a explorar y comprender sus sentimientos y emociones. Este libro de trabajo se puede dividir en 4 lecciones diferentes y explora cuatro emociones principales que son: FELICIDAD, TRISTEZA, ASUSTADO Y ENOJAMIENTO. Este libro de trabajo contiene hojas de trabajo para explorar cómo se ven y se sienten estos sentimientos no solo para ellos mismos sino para los demás. Hay oportunidades para explorar el espectro de sentimientos y aumentar la alfabetización emocional, y numerosas hojas de trabajo y actividades divertidas que incluyen hojas para colorear y encontrar palabras. This workbook is specifically designed for little learners to help explore and understand their feelings and emotions. This workbook can be broken up into 4 different lessons and explores four main emotions which are: Happy, Sadness, Scared and Angry. This workbook contains worksheets to explores what these feelings looks like and feels like to not only themselves but to others. There are opportunities to explore the spectrum of feelings and increase emotional literacy, and numerous worksheets and fun activities including colouring sheets and find-a-words. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Understanding My Worldview - Trauma Neuroscience Attachment

SPANISH VERSION - Understanding My Worldview - Trauma Neuroscience Attachment

Entendiendo Mi COSMOVISÓNO (comprensión de los niños que han experimentado un trauma de un neurociencia y lente neuropsicológica) Understanding My Worldview is a 9 page document to support teachers, parents and carers to understand children who have experienced trauma from a neuroscience and neuropsychological lens. This document explores how the child may be currently operating within their environment and is written in third person. This document covers the fundamentals such as the role of the amygdala and how that impacts upon behavioural concerns. this has been written in third person so it is like the child who has experienced trauma is really explaining it to you. This is a unique perspective to help build empathy, understanding and compassion for the child whilst also being educative, informative and interesting. This has been a stand out document which all teachers, parents, carers, foster carers and allied health staff would benefit from having in their tool kit. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION Magic Breathing "Your Special Power" Relaxation Social Narrative

SPANISH VERSION Magic Breathing "Your Special Power" Relaxation Social Narrative

This five page social story is supplemented by visuals to help support a child to develop breathing and relaxation skills. This social story encourages students to explore a more appropriate way of managing anxiety, anger and stress. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - My Mindfulness Activity Book - Growth Mindset - activities

SPANISH VERSION - My Mindfulness Activity Book - Growth Mindset - activities

This hands-on workbook supports students to practice mindfulness, sensory awareness, emotional control and self-regulation. This 20 page workbook is practical and has been effectively utilized both with individual students and in a group setting. This workbook explores: What is mindfulness? Includes numerous activities of mindfulness list of suitable mindfulness apps which and why they are effective activity and worksheets - colour your emotions - how I feel today templates - Journal activity - my feelings and emotions cards - colouring page - thankfulness activity - isolating feelings/emotions and attributing to situations Simply print and ready for student implementation straight away. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - My Day of Mindfulness - Coping Tools Mindfulness

SPANISH VERSION - My Day of Mindfulness - Coping Tools Mindfulness

This is a two page handout which can act as a daily double sided handout for students. The first page explores “what is mindfulness” while the second page acts as a diary encouraging the student to explore mindfulness questions relating to themselves. This is a great self-reflection exercise and encourages the student to really develop a stronger cores sense of self and identity through the use of mindfulness. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Create Your Own Self Esteem Smoothie - Creative Therapy CBT DBT

Create Your Own Self Esteem Smoothie - Creative Therapy CBT DBT

This is a fun, engaging, creative and non-threatening intervention which is great for students to explore self-esteem. In particular, self-confidence, identify, feeling of belonging and feeling of competence. What to do? 1.Encourage students to explore each of the 24 realistic scenarios on each page and reflect on how that scenario would make them feel. This also encourages self-compassion and consideration of feelings and actions as they resonate with each scenario. 2.The next step is for the students to explore the “Self-Esteem Ingredients” list and tick what self-esteem strategy they could employ and use for that particular scenario. This helps students to reflect, explore and gain insight into their own feelings and behaviours. 3.Students then put those ingredients into the “blender” which is located on each page to cement the lesson. There are 20 visuals for already developed self-esteem and confidence strategies which students can utilize. There are an addition 12 blank visual cards for students to explore some of their own individual and unique self-esteem strategies that work for them. 4.Lastly, students can create a name for that particular self-care smoothie. This heightens the learning outcomes and students become more likely to explore and employ these self-care strategies within their everyday life. NOTE – There is a COMPLETED example page so students can see this resource in action! ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Kindness Tree - Acts of Kindness Activities Bulletin Board

Kindness Tree - Acts of Kindness Activities Bulletin Board

This project is a creative and beautiful way to acknowledge and encourage a kindness mindset within a school or education setting. It is encouraging for the school community to see the tree grow as kindness and good deeds continue to be added to the tree over tree. This helps to foster a positive, encouraging, constructive environment to help build growth mindset, personal character and reduce bullying. This is a great initiative for a whole class or entire school approach to bring about systemic change. This resource includes: What is a Kindness Tree? Plant a Seed of Kindness Poster Kindness Quotes Kindness Pledge Ways you can show Kindness My Kindness Checklist for Students Create your own Kindness Tree templates (tree, leaves, hands, apples, hearts and additional decorations) Extra Notes page ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Self Care Behaviour Support Activity: Care Tags

SPANISH VERSION - Self Care Behaviour Support Activity: Care Tags

Activity to support behaviour managment by encouraging the individual to develop “care tags” which isolates feelings, behaviours, what the individual needs from others when feeling a particular way and/or displaying certain behaviour concerns. Care Tags are a wonderful way to support little learners to understand their reactions to emotions. This resource encourages children to identify how others around them in their support network can best support them when they are feeling a specific emotions. Activity to support behaviour management by encouraging the individual to develop “care tags” which isolates feelings, behaviours, what the individual needs from others when feeling a particular way and/or displaying certain behaviour concerns. Care Tags are a wonderful way to support little learners to understand their reactions to emotions. This resource encourages children to identify how others around them in their support network can best support them when they are feeling a specific emotions. This activity increases self awareness, improves positive and clear communication and increases the students ability to appropriately express their needs. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Mental Health Mandala Color by Numbers

SPANISH VERSION - Mental Health Mandala Color by Numbers

These color by positive affirmations are a great creative way to support individuals to change negative self-talk into positive self talk. Individuals are encouraged to repeat each affirmation as they color the corresponding number. There are three mandalas which include positive self-talk affirmations for: Self-Love Anxiety Depression For each mandala, there are unique positive self-talk affirmations. ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
SPANISH VERSION - Family Tree Project - All About me and my Heritage Project

SPANISH VERSION - Family Tree Project - All About me and my Heritage Project

This project is a great way for students to learn about their family heritage and gain a better sense of where they came from. Students are encouraged to create their own family tree and conduct their own research of their family. This resource includes templates, worksheets and all of the resources that is needed to create their own family tree. An example family tree and questions has been included to support children’s understanding of family trees and how different family members relate to each other. This resource includes: What is a family and a family tree? Family Quote Poster Definitions: Heritage, Ancestry, Tradition Exploring Family Trees (hypothetical family tree and questions) Exploring Your Own Family My Family Tree Template My Family Interview Questions Other Questions (you might want to ask family) Create your own Family Tree Templates (tree, leaves, labels, blank templates, family member visuals) ABOUT US All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work! Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.